I recently spent some time working with a woman like this. When not talking about work, conversation went to her vacations on a yacht in Europe or returning home to her apartment in Soho. She was perfectly nice. She didn't listen to a word anyone else said, but she was smiling while interrupting. She flirted with every man in the room. She wore revealing clothing (if you could call revealing ribs and crocodile skin revealing). I didn't hate her, but was relieved when her high stress form whisped out of the room.
I am the opposite of this woman in many ways. I could tell you a few jobs I know I would find happiness and fulfillment in. I couldn't tell you how I intend to get those jobs. I don't have a plan, a career or even (sometimes, gasp!) goals. I'm not able to push everything to the side (even my happiness) for a job. Does the fact that I run around the job world like a chicken with my head cut off and have no idea how to market myself make me less of a person? No. I just know that success will never come to me in this form. It won't come from me farting around with art privately and not pursuing anything either. So. Crossroads? Are the only two choices bitch or pauper?