It's Thursday night and only the second weeknight I've spent in the studio this week. I have 11 days. Well, 10, really. To make 2 more paintings and complete everything else that is necessary for my first graduate school application. Deadline : December 17. Eeeek.
Soundtrack - Crystal Castles (III), Cults (Cults), Dark Dark Dark (Who Needs Who), Doug Burr (O Ye Devastator)
Piece(s) worked on - Ahmad; Sam
I've really given myself some liberty with this piece. The textures alone are a bit of a departure from my typical style. I can't even tell you how much fun I had painting this shirt.... Although, while abstracting can be more loose and "easy," it presents a whole new slew of formal challenges. I got to a point tonight where I am happy - nay -
excited about it. Uh-huh.
Glare...oh how I loathe thee... |
There's something about the light quality on the figure that I'm pleased with. Perhaps I'm getting better at this painting thing (or one would hope). This concludes piece #13!
I'm really loving this bit up close |
Sam is a lovely lady whose portrait I started tonight. Her space was quickly decided upon as a specific bench on the shore of a her neighborhood lake. We went there together, and got plenty of reference photos, people watched, etc. Then, as we got back to her apartment, she nestled in between the couch cushions and said this was also her space. The effect this posture and environment had on Sam was immediate. She was at ease. It's a lot of pressure to have someone examining your every move and documenting it, which is why there's usually an element of discomfort in these portraits. It was clear that this space truly belongs to Sam.
First sketch