The Casa Rosada (Pink House) where government happens. And the object that spurs the Evita soundtrack to play continually in my head...
Speaking of Evita, this is the museum devoted to her. Housed in a mansion in the swanky barrio (neighborhood) of Palermo are artifacts, clothes, photos and videos of Eva Peron's life. What I've realized being here, is that every political figure is loved AND hated. In the museum, they paint Evita in a very positive light, emphasizing the social policies and charity work she was a part of. 
And STILL on Evita, here's her family's tomb in the very posh and beautiful Cemeterio de Recoleta.
Back to Palermo, there's a beautiful botanical garden. It's very large and full of stray cats who are kept nice and fat by visitors. I love this statue in the garden:
Near the Jardin Botanico, in Palermo, is a very old and very trendy shopping district, Palermo Viejo.
Also near is the Parque 3 de Febrero, a very Parisian (they call Buenos Aires the Paris of the South, which...I realized after exploring certain barrios, it really is) park:
Another barrio is the uber-modern Puerto Madero. Fashioned after London's Docklands, it boasts a very impressive skyline and a great mix of old and new architecture. The footbridge pictured below crosses a series of dykes that filter in the brown murky water of Rio de la Plata. It is The Woman's Bridge, the design is based on a position in the tango.
And lastly, something seen frequently in this city, a demonstration. The men are carrying a massive Argentine flag which is in tatters. I'm not sure what the gathering was for, but they were followed by hundreds of drummers also carrying flags.