Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gilligan the Gecko

For a week and a half now, since Deanne and I moved into our condo, we have had a visitor.  We named him Gilligan and he hung out under our kitchen table.  This picture really shows his size, as the HUGE thing in the right corner is just a leg of the table.  Gilligan was a little pint sized pet who became part of our lives here on Maui.  This morning when I went to the kitchen for breakfast, he was just chillin by the fridge, which was really odd as he's usually not out in the open.  I was afraid he was hurt or I tried to touch him and he moved, kind of jumped out of the way.  AHHH sigh of relief!  I was so happy he was alive!  Deanne and I left for work.  A few hours later when we returned for lunch, he was in an odd position, torqued on his side.  I touched him again hoping for him to jump away, but alas, he didn't.  After throwing a bit of a fit, I had to face reality that he had passed.  I put him outside to be in nature and am mourning him (quite publicly).  Part of me realizes how ridiculous/comical this might sound....but I'm really depressed about this.  I LOVE having a pet.  I've been freaking out without one, and his presence was comforting and he was just so darn cute it made me happy.  Seeing that a creature was in pain...seeing death in any creature is so heartbreaking, I actually was shook up a bit by it!  Sad day.  And don't worry, this picture was taken while he was still alive ;-)  RIP little one!


  1. so sorry you lost your little guy...I have a feeling this is a common occurance with little lizards that live indoors. Sorry you had to deal with that grief.

  2. Aww, Steph!! A moment of silence for Gilligan!... Did you feed him??? He was probably on the fridge because he wanted some food!!! You should go on a search for a new pet!

  3. I found a kitty and fed him tuna last night!!!

  4. you're going to have all the Hawaiian strays at your door careful!
