Monday, August 1, 2011

1 Week/Una Semana

Last week at precisely this same exact hour, I was boarding a plane. I was sweating profusely. I was stressed and under-slept. Tuesday morning came, and I landed in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A wonderful amazing friend met me with her also amazing boyfriend (and a hot travel mug of coffee) in the airport and swiftly whisked me away to the heart of the city.

Buenos Aires is HUGE. I'm not kidding you. It's crowded and busy, and not at all what I expected. To be honest, I'm not sure what I was expecting... However, I don't feel as if I have a full understanding of the city, so here are some stray observations:

- Traffic signs - and clearly marked lanes - are of no consequence.
- It takes forever to get anything done (ie standing in line at the grocery store for 30 minutes at a slow time is very normal)
- The food is really really good.
- You should know Spanish before going.
- You may just see a dead woman on the street, and it may not be a big deal.
- The weather changes at the drop of a hat.
- The street art is beautiful and plentiful.
- Argentines are very passionate about their politics.

My experiences here have been wonderful, and I will be adding pictures and posts soon.

Today, I ventured to La Plata, where I will be participating in the residency. Today featured a bit of a drive around the city, a short trip to the grocery store, and much much shivering. Old buildings + space heaters = cold places in the winter. So hello MN winter skills, get me some lard and blankets.


  1. Hooray for stray observations! Keep drinking that tea :)

  2. Oh I love your list!! :) Sounds fabulously exciting!
